12Above featuring Erik Naugle
June 16 2023 | 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM531 S. Saginaw St, Flint, MI 48502
When you hear Indie music you may imagine lollipops and gumdrops, think again. Erik Naugle is sincere, passionate, and caring about honest music that feeds the soul. When asked why he loves being a songwriter, Erik says, “It magically transcends all barriers, allowing me to impact people in truly wonderful ways.” He believes his musical obsession helps others and speaks directly to their hearts. His musical journey set sail in 1978 when he first started playing an old beaten-down upright piano in the basement. In 2015, Erik founded SoulCast Harbor Studio, an independent production studio to help other musicians realize their dreams, and in 2016, after years of perfecting his own craft, he was featured as a finalist in the Great American Songwriter contest with his song entitled, “Our Parade” which is featured on Twelve Above’s album “Go”.